Come along for and amazing afternoon of all things bees at Foundry42+
Bee Keeping Basics: 1-1:45p.m.
Join Megan Denver and Jorik Phillips from Hudson Valley Bee as they cover how to get bees off to a great start and successfully managing them through their first year. They will cover basics of: bee biology and psychology, colony life cycle, setting up a hive, beekeeping equipment/tools, installing a package or nuc, feeding and pest control.
Honey 101: 2-2:45p.m.
Join Megan Denver and Jorik Phillips from Hudson Valley and Mark Veeder from Farmacy Beauty as they discuss the health benefits of honey both internally and externally.
Honey in the Kitchen 3-3:45p.m.
Join Chopped Champion Chef Dafna Mizrahi and Cooper Boone as they share their secrets of using honey in the kitchen! Samples will be shared.
Free Admission - Email: Kate@F42HOME.COM with any questions